My first day in class:
I was six years old and I was calm. My sister took me to school.There were many children and it was very very noisy in the courtyard. I started classes at Anita Garibaldi School in Itoupava Central, Blumenau. The school looked big for me that time. The walls were white and gray.
The day was very beautiful, it was sunny and I could see the flowers on my way to school. The road to go there was paved. Well, some children were scared and some cried on that days, some students slept in class, but Thank God, I didn't scare or sleep. My sister thought that I was going to cry because she waited on the other side of the class for some minutes. The teacher was a woman and she was friendly, she was wearing a white jacket. I didn't remember very well that day but I had a snack at school! And at the break the children in the school could run and play in the courtyard. It was very fun, I liked the school, the teacher and the classmates. I missed home but I really relaxed on my first day at school.
I was six years old and I was calm. My sister took me to school.There were many children and it was very very noisy in the courtyard. I started classes at Anita Garibaldi School in Itoupava Central, Blumenau. The school looked big for me that time. The walls were white and gray.
The day was very beautiful, it was sunny and I could see the flowers on my way to school. The road to go there was paved. Well, some children were scared and some cried on that days, some students slept in class, but Thank God, I didn't scare or sleep. My sister thought that I was going to cry because she waited on the other side of the class for some minutes. The teacher was a woman and she was friendly, she was wearing a white jacket. I didn't remember very well that day but I had a snack at school! And at the break the children in the school could run and play in the courtyard. It was very fun, I liked the school, the teacher and the classmates. I missed home but I really relaxed on my first day at school.
Estou feliz !! Adoro estudar Letras e mesmo cansada, sempre vou para a Universidade com o coração cheio de alegria! Me sinto realizada demais com o Curso.
Estou feliz !! Adoro estudar Letras e mesmo cansada, sempre vou para a Universidade com o coração cheio de alegria! Me sinto realizada demais com o Curso.
Não estarei com tanta frequência na blogosfera...mas seguiremos juntos!!!
Hoje começam as minhas também!!!
ResponderExcluirPena que não foi possível ir hoje!
Boas Aulas Linda!
Boa volta às aulas para vc, Luana!
ExcluirObrigada, querida!!
ResponderExcluirE lá vamos nós de novoooooo...
uhuuuulllll... Nos vemos na faculdade...
Bjo, bjo =***
Até lá, Cleide....não vai chegar atrasada, hein? heheheheheh
Oi Marli!
ResponderExcluirBom retorno para vc!!
Obrigada Nessa!!! Foi maravilhoso..já começamos bem com aula de Literatura...adoroooooooooooooo hu-hu
Ola Marli.
ResponderExcluirPoisé, a faculdade acaba tomando um bom tempo do nosso dia (e da nossa vida) e acabamos deixando algumas coisas meio de lado, mas é por um bem maior hehe. E que legal que faz Letras, é uma coisa que eu realmente quero poder fazer algum dia, quem sabe. Por enquanto fico com a minha Arquitetura mesmo hehehe.
Bom retorno as aulas Marli, beijos.
Olá Jéssica, arquitetura deve ser bem legal, também!!!
ExcluirA Faculdade me completa...gosto demais!! Bks querida
Aaaah Marli, eu tenho essa animação pra ir para a escola, mas para o técnico em adm, não consigo não! Quem sabe na faculdade isso não melhora, né? rs
Caroline, do - espero sua visita lá!
Ah, acredito que vai melhorar sim...pq a Faculdade é tudo de bom!!! Vc vai ver!! Sou apaixonada...é pesado...mas maravilhoso!!! Bks
ExcluirEste comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluirA empolgação está tanta que escreveu em inglês.. cruzes!!kkkk
Good luck in your first day classes....
Desejo uma semana produtiva, cheia de luz e paz!
heheheh obrigada por seu carinho Rudy...Beijocas
ExcluirE como foi o primeiro dia de aula?
Boa noite Marli,
ResponderExcluirBoas aulas pra vc também....abçs.
Obrigada, Marco. Estão sendo maravilhosas...bks
ExcluirAs minhas aulas na facu tbm começaram! Aii a correia chegou!^^ Mas, vale muito apena!Beijos!
Verdade....Beijoooooooooooooossss, linda!